Why should I use Gargoyle?

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Why should I use Gargoyle?

Post by MickO »

Hi all.
I've used Gargoyle for quite a few years.
The only reasons for using it were because the OEM router wouldn't let me insert the DDNS of my choice; especially after DynDNS ceased their freemium service. No-IP is a pain in the ass with the 30 day reconfirm, so that was out.
Also, if I recall, getting WOL to work was also a PITA, especially if there was no MAC binding to IP address or forwarding of ports 7 etc.

So, apart from DDNS of my choice and WOL, is there any reason why I shouldn't return to the stock manufacturers firmware?
I'm using Linksys WRT1900acs and their so called smart wifi setup looks inviting and potentially useful with Vlan support.
Or am I looking at snake oil and should avoid?
cheers for your thoughts.
And on that note, is there still a future for Gargoyle/OpenWRT with the increased smartness of Mesh and similar technologies being used in routers?

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Re: Why should I use Gargoyle?

Post by Lantis »

You lose flexibility going back to OEM, but if you don't need it then there's no reason not to. Pick the tool that is right for the job, and you're comfortable using.

OpenWrt supports mesh. The necessary tools to support mesh are in 1.13.x. Gargoyle may have a mesh mode in the future. I'm not sure, would be a lot of work.

Gargoyle may have a future as not part of your mesh, but as the gateway for your mesh to access the internet. Doing all of the accounting and quota management, but none of the wireless part.
Again, right tool for the job. If OEMs are doing mesh better than opensource, stick with them.
http://lantisproject.com/downloads/gargoyle_ispyisail.php for the latest releases
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Re: Why should I use Gargoyle?

Post by tapper »

"smart wifi setup"

Smells like BS to me I mite be wrong but....
When you use Gargoyle you know none of your data is being sent off to anyone.
with a stock rom not so much.

Linksys WRT3200ACM
NETGEAR Nighthawk R7800

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Re: Why should I use Gargoyle?

Post by MickO »

Well I reverted my WRT1200ac back to stock. Using it as a gateway switch and AP, I found that I could only use the 2.4Ghz, with the 5Ghz not being available. Very strange. Only DynDNS and NO-IP being available for DDNS, what shambles... I was able to port forward Port 7 from external to internal IP, but didn't test the WOL from external through to target PC.

So with those limitations, I decided to bring out the trusty WR1043nd and flash that with Gargoyle and set it up as a gateway switch and AP. I'll use that for DDNS and probably try out my main WRT1900ac router with stock. It only has to pass the WOL, hopefully successfully.

With the 1900 running stock, I'll have access to Vlan and tagging, should I need to go down that route. With Gargoyle gateway switches and AP's providing extended coverage.

Mad plan, but it's a start.

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