OpenSSL / PolarSSL

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OpenSSL / PolarSSL

Post by marcinkk »

I've just changed Gargoyle on ma 1043ND from 1.6.2 to 1.9.2. First I've noticed that free space in flash decreased a lot. I've made some "opkg info" and I saw that I have installed:

libpolarssl - 130 kB
libopenssl - 690 kB
openvpn-openssl - 140 kB

The repository contains also:

openvpn-polarssl - 140kB

Some time ago I've made for test custom OpenWrt build with libpolarssl and openvpn-polarssl for router with RT3050 and 4MB of Flash memory. I was forced to remove some things (IPv6 support) but I've made sucessfully a working OpenVPN Client on a 4M router.

I'm not a developer and it was my first own build using OpenWrt tools and documentation. But with my little experience I have some questions:

1. Does Gargoyle need both PolarSSL and OpenSSL? About 130kB of Flash memory can be released by removing of libpolarssl.
2. Does Gargoyle need OpenSSL? Can it use PolarSSL and openvpn-polarssl package? Without OpenSSL about 700 kB of Flash can be saved, probably more.

I guess that Gargoyle requires openssl-util for making certificates, so OpenSSL cannot be removed? So maybe PolarSSL can be removed? Is it possible to use openssl-util with libpolarssl?

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Re: OpenSSL / PolarSSL

Post by Lantis »

You have jumped a significant number of kernel revisions. This will account for a lot of the space reduction you are seeing.

As to polarssl. This has been phased out and made EOL. When we move to the latest LEDE or Openwrt codebase, we'll need to follow suit.
So you can expect changes in these areas, but not quite yet. for the latest releases
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