Rtorrent on TP-Link TL-WDR3600 v1

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Re: Rtorrent on TP-Link TL-WDR3600 v1

Post by Lantis »

I'd have to look into how rtorrent config works.
In general it's not that hard though.

You'd have to look at some other plugins that have been written for guidance.
http://lantisproject.com/downloads/gargoyle_ispyisail.php for the latest releases
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Re: Rtorrent on TP-Link TL-WDR3600 v1

Post by yousaf465 »

What we have to do is just install rtorrent as package in gargoyle using command initially. It can use it's own GUI rutorrent which can be installed after successful installation of the rtorrent.

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Re: Rtorrent on TP-Link TL-WDR3600 v1

Post by Lantis »

If it has its own GUI then yes use that.
Just don't install any LUCI apps.

I found this tutorial which showed setup with lighttpd. Gargoyle used uhttpd which is reasonably similar.


By the way, if you aren't set on rtorrent, someone wrote a tutorial for "transmission" a while ago which is a different torrent client.
http://lantisproject.com/downloads/gargoyle_ispyisail.php for the latest releases
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Re: Rtorrent on TP-Link TL-WDR3600 v1

Post by yousaf465 »

Personally I like Deluge. I have used both rtorrent and deluge on synology Nas. Found deluge was much easier to setup.

I have setup rtorrent 4th time on openwrt successfully but the issue is installing rutorrent breaks everthing, it just takes over the router ip

Typing in redirects to rutorrent which is not connected to the rtorrent.

same is the case with

and everything on openwrt is bit messy, e.g just to format my USB to ext4 I had to download the MiniTool Partition Wizard Free. which was as easy as two clicks in gargoyle.

so can I go this route
1.Install rtorrent using this command on gargoyle
  • Start putty
    Host name:
    Port: 22
    Connection Type : SSH
    Save it once and press open
    Username: Root
    Password: admin

Code: Select all

Opkg update 
opkg install rtorrent screen 
2. Make rtorrent.rc file using

Code: Select all

cd /root
vi .rtorrent.rc
Press Esc and then type 
:wq and press enter
3. Edit it using WinScp, (Vi just sucks and nano is an extra step)
  • Open Winscp select file protocol SCP
  • Host Name is router ip i.e
  • Username: root
  • Password: admin
Double click root folder and double click .rtorrent.rc
and copy the following setting

Code: Select all

encoding_list = UTF-8
system.umask.set = 022
port_range = 23877-23877
port_random = no
check_hash = no
trackers.enable = 1
dht = auto
dht_port = 6881
scgi_port =
encryption = allow_incoming, try_outgoing, enable_retry
directory = /mnt/sd1/downloads/
session = /mnt/sda1/rtorrent/session/
schedule = rss_downloader,300,300,"execute=/usr/lib/lua/rss_downloader.lua"
replace /mnt/sda2/downloads/ with your download folder
and /mnt/sda2/rtorrent/session/ with your session folder which you can create using winscp
4. Open winscp as before go to mnt and your sda1 or whatever and create folders downloads and rtorrent. Within rtorrent create another session folder.
5. Create create an autostart script, /etc/init.d/rtorrent using the command

Code: Select all

Vi create an autostart script, /etc/init.d/rtorrent
add the following code using winscp as before

Code: Select all

#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
start () {
screen -dmS rtorrent rtorrent
stop () {
killall -9 rtorrent
6. enable autostart and start rtorrent service One line at a time

Code: Select all

enable autostart and start rtorrent service.
7. Check using command

Code: Select all

8. Install Rutorrent


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