WNDR3700 no internet help please

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WNDR3700 no internet help please

Post by asstevens86 »

apologies and a request for your patience with me - total novice and feeling well over my head with this. Hoping that someone out there might take pity on me and offer some help?
As mentioned, total novice, wanted gargoyle to be able to manage teenagers' access to the internet. successfully flashed with latest version of gargoyle using factory image. Wireless connectivity to router all good, and can access the utility with no problems.
Modem (Draytec Vigor 120) indicates internet connection is OK (am currently wired direct to modem to be able to send this post), but the internet light on the modem is solid orange (am pretty sure it should be green) - regardless, cannot access the internet.
I am unsure of most of the settings in the utility - I believe that in trouble shooting the internet connection, I have changed only the IP address of the router to in case there was a clash with the modem ( I have changed (and changed back various other settings, to no avail). screenshot attached that I hope might give some clue?
I am such a novice that I don't even know how to insert a screenshot here!! really hope that someone might be able to tell me what numbers to put in what boxes / what settings to make.
Thanks for your time . . .
WNDR setting p1.jpg
WNDR setting p1.jpg (198.36 KiB) Viewed 7292 times

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Re: WNDR3700 no internet help please

Post by ecbrad »

I'm not going to profess to be an expert but will point out that normally your router would have a separate network to your modem.

eg: Modem would potentially be

And your gargoyle router would be

The router handles to passing of connections from one to the other by "routing" hence router.

I'm sure a guru could explain it better though.

By default the gargoyle install allocates itself an ip of

"Maybe" because your gargoyle router and your internet modem have an ip in the same range it's not working as it should?


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Re: WNDR3700 no internet help please

Post by asstevens86 »

Thanks for helping out, I'm pretty sure that the IP addresses were in the same range when it was originally operating with the original netgear firmware. Having said that , I have tonight given up (for now) and used tftp to flash the router back to Netgear firmware again and for some reason it has now automatically changed the IP address to for the router.
I am really bummed as I had hoped that by some miracle I could get this all setup (despite my absolute novice status) and start implementing rules for internet access for the teens in my house.
If anyone out there can help with a dummies guide for basic settings and configuration of router, I will try the gargoyle firmware flash again.
Thanks again.

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Re: WNDR3700 no internet help please

Post by diorno »

OpenDNS can block adult websites - hourly schedules are a different matter.

The router should really set up automatically - DHCP, DNS, everything - by itself. Did you try rebooting?

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Re: WNDR3700 no internet help please

Post by asstevens86 »

thanks for the reply. yeah, had rebooted many times, waiting up to half an hour before switching back on etc.
once flashed back to netgear, everything working fine (did restore backup of configuration though, this may have something to do with it).
I'm going to give the gargoyle another go - this time I will take screen shots of every single page of the Netgear utility so that I have all the settings that I know work to refer to. Problem is (and yes, a little bit of knowledge can be very dangerous ;) ) I don't know what most of the settings mean or do, so I don't like to play around with them. I am very good at following instructions though :-)
If I can impose on you for another question - note that the Router changed it's IP address to the as soon as it rebooted after the flash back to netgear. I didn't take note of the message it gave when it did this. the Modem has IP of (I gave it this IP).
Will the IP give me problems when i attempt the gargoyle flash again? is the Gargoyle firmware going to reset the IP to as default?
And lastly - am I misinterpreting this screen shot regarding access restrictions (re: hourly schedules)? : http://www.gargoyle-router.com/wiki/lib ... ctions.jpg
Thank you very much for your input & patience with what are probably silly questions.

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Re: WNDR3700 no internet help please

Post by asstevens86 »

Hi, I am getting up the courage to re-try the Gargoyle flash again (please see my earlier problems below) - but think I may need to bite the bullet & pay someone to come in and do the configuration for me (with me looking over shoulder so I perhaps pickup a little knowledge along the way).
Can anyone recommend someone located in the Hills District of Sydney, Australia who would be well capable of doing this, and willing to do so?

Many thanks, Sue

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Re: WNDR3700 no internet help please

Post by Lingula »

Have a look at the threads below regarding the 3700 and 3800. People have had problems with the router not obtaining a WAN IP from the ISP's modem with recent builds. There are users with the 3700 working - not sure what builds they're using. Suggest some quality time searching the forum before flashing Gargoyle.

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Re: WNDR3700 no internet help please

Post by cirial »

This is a common problem with no solution at the moment.

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Re: WNDR3700 no internet help please

Post by asstevens86 »

thanks to all for the replies - can you please advise where the best place is to monitor for any progress / solution on this - I specifically purchased the WNDR3700 so that I could use the internet (time and traffic) access controls for my teens . . . . I'd really love to get this running at some point.
Thanks again, Sue.

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Re: WNDR3700 no internet help please

Post by cirial »

Sue, do u know which version of this router that u have? In my case I have v1. I had to go back to stock firmware for the time being. Ddwrt firmware does the same thing. No WAN/Internet ip can be pulled.

Edit: never mind I see in your picture u have the v2. So far this problem has been only reported a lot on v1 units.

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