Archer C7 hidden network

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Archer C7 hidden network

Post by BogMonster »

This is a bit of an obscure question and it's really just me being obsessively tidy rather than it being important...

My main router is an Archer C7 v2 running 1.10.0. I sometimes see a "hidden network" being broadcast and as mine is the only router or modem anywhere within range, I started to look in to what was going on, "just because you are paranoid doesn't mean somebody isn't out to get you" and all that...

It turns out that there is a known issue relating to a hidden and permanently enabled TP-Link mesh networking feature that TP-Link were getting bashed about by users - see ... pic/271574

The solution obviously relates to the original firmware and I wondered if there is a way to turn off this annoying little network in Gargoyle? It doesn't really matter, it just annoys me a little bit.

If the answer is no, or it involves hacking the router back to the original firmware, upgrading that, and then putting it back to Gargoyle and re-entering all the settings then it doesn't matter that much, I just wondered.... I can't see any features in Gargoyle 1.10.0 related to mesh networking so killing a radio that isn't any use to anything just seems worthwhile if it's not too difficult.

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Re: Archer C7 hidden network

Post by Lantis »

Gargoyle completely replaces the OEM firmware. It is not possible for this to be coming from Gargoyle without you explicitly configuring it. for the latest releases
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Re: Archer C7 hidden network

Post by BogMonster »

Hmm, thanks, that's interesting.... I just assumed it was on by default or something.

I live out in the sticks so there aren't really any other possibilities for the network origin apart from the Archer, unless one of the wireless devices on the network is for some reason broadcasting it - I guess maybe a wireless printer might do as I think they offer some sort of peer to peer connectivity feature. I'll do some more investigating!

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