Input from new Gargoyler

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Input from new Gargoyler

Post by ripmyundies »

Hi, just moved from Tomato to Gargoyle for the Bandwidth distribution capability.

Some observations for consideration in next releases;

- DNSMASQ; Tomato had a text box in the web interface to make DNSMASQ changes, In Gargoyle I need to WinSCP and get into nuts&bolts

- Bandwidth monitor; LOVE it, but need to be able to reset the data to match my ISP billing period.

- Time Quota; I would LOVE to have ability to cut connections to clients (kids) after they have been online for 'X' number of hours per day/week etc. Current restrictions only allow for hard coded times of day to be on/off...not an allowance of hours to be spent whenever they like.

LOVE your work - thank you!

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