Software/Hardware Flow Offloading and Gargoyle

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Software/Hardware Flow Offloading and Gargoyle

Post by Lantis »

Please be aware that Flow Offloading features are largely incompatible with Gargoyle's features, and hence are at odds with them. As a result, I am not inclined to expose these options on the GUI at this point in time.

Any enterprising user can enable these features manually and try them out, but please don't be surprised when things do not work as you expect.

As a brief test set (as at March 2024), the following features are (in)compatible.
Software Flow Offload
QoS download OK
QoS upload NOK
Note that Load measurements in QoS seem to work OK, but on the upload side there is a phantom measurement way higher than it should be.

Quotas download OK
Quotas upload NOK

Bandwidth monitoring download NOK
Bandwidth monitoring upload NOK

Restrictions OK

Hardware Flow Offload
QoS, Quotas and Bandwidth Monitoring do not work at all

Restrictions OK for the latest releases
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Re: Software/Hardware Flow Offloading and Gargoyle

Post by robert7k »

so how do i enable the software/hardware offload (and make sure gargoyle won't overwrite those changes)?

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Re: Software/Hardware Flow Offloading and Gargoyle

Post by Lantis » ... figuration

Set one (or both, if your hardware supports it) options in the firewall default section.
I am not aware of Gargoyle overwriting the defaults stanza in any scenarios but I may be wrong. for the latest releases
Please be respectful when posting. I do this in my free time on a volunteer basis.

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