Gargoyle 1.12 - miniupnpd

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Gargoyle 1.12 - miniupnpd

Post by cobra98 »

It seems that some ipv6 messages spam my network from syslog

<27>dec 16 15:58:33 5minutesp miniupnpd[7406]: nlmsg_error -13 : permission denied
<28>dec 16 15:58:33 5minutesp miniupnpd[7406]: ssdp packet sender [fd91:3283:e520:5a:e228:6dff:fe73:9fe7]:1900 (if_index=-1) not from a lan, ignoring

in my lan i have disabled all ipv6 functions, router switch and clients so i guess it is from app or outside.

How can i remove these messages from syslog?
i raised the miniupnpd from 50 to 110 in starting order too, got little better but not complete gone.
I considered an upgrade from 1.12 to 1.14 but i got a lot of tweaks i would have to reinstall all again (including finding the right packages for example turning off webcam light)

uci get system.@system[0].conloglevel

is on 7 at the moment

Should i change it to lower?
option conloglevel '7'
change it here should be enough or was it with uci commit (only if i want to do it in real time or, with reboot it should work also?)

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Re: Gargoyle 1.12 - miniupnpd

Post by Lantis »

That is an internal ipv6 address, it's not coming from outside your firewall.
It is likely generated by a device on your network trying to discover. for the latest releases
Please be respectful when posting. I do this in my free time on a volunteer basis.

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