Quotas not restoring correctly

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Quotas not restoring correctly

Post by pkkrusty »

I'm having an issue with quota usage getting lost when I make changes to the DHCP assignments and/or quota tables. I did a backup of settings before adding a DHCP assignment and deleting a few others, and in the quota files, the usage is correct. But after the addition/subtraction of users, half the users have their quota usage reset to zero, and even a restore doesn't bring the quota usage back to where it should be. Any ideas how to get the restore to pull the correct values?

Related to the problem of losing quota usage, I added/deleted a few DHCP assignments, then did a backup. The deleted users are now back, and restoring from backup doesn't get rid of them. Feels like a timing thing maybe, like after I modify DHCP assignments and let it save, things aren't getting written all the way, and then changes are lost when I start working on quotas.

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Re: Quotas not restoring correctly

Post by Lantis »

What version are you running? And you're not using Gargoyle in multiple tabs at once?
https://lantisproject.com/downloads/gargoylebuilds for the latest releases
Please be respectful when posting. I do this in my free time on a volunteer basis.

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Re: Quotas not restoring correctly

Post by pkkrusty »

I’m on 1.10. I looked at the change log for 1.12 to see if there was anything about quota bugs, but didn’t see anything so I haven’t upgraded yet.

I am only using one tab. I got myself into trouble with multiple sessions before so I stick to one tab and letting all the spinning beach balls complete before doing the next thing.

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Re: Quotas not restoring correctly

Post by pkkrusty »

I'm looking through log messages and noticing that I'm getting a ton of broken pipe messages (like 800 every 5 minutes). Some forum searching indicates that this isn't a huge deal, other than clogging up the log file, but maybe related to my issue?

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