Drawback to a bunch of static IPs?

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Drawback to a bunch of static IPs?

Post by terminos »

First off, let me say Gargoyle is awesome. Running it on my 1900WRTACS (v2) and I couldn't be happier. Not sure why I stuck with the Linksys firmware for so long.

Right now, I basically have 5-6 static leases for desktops, a server, raspberry pi, etc. But I'd like to have more control on the IPs assigned to ALL the clients in the house, including phones, tablets, smart speakers, Roku's, etc.

Normally, I'd don't care how these addresses are given, but I've started using Adguard Home and the only way to identify/name specific clients is by IP addresses. MAC address can't be used (which is ideal) unless I want to use Adguard as a DHCP server, but I'd rather my router handle that job.

Any disadvantages to having static leases for ALL hosts?

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Re: Drawback to a bunch of static IPs?

Post by Lantis »

None in general besides the effort to add new devices as they come into the network.
You need to ensure no mobile devices are using MAC switching otherwise that will get confusing very fast.
http://lantisproject.com/downloads/gargoyle_ispyisail.php for the latest releases
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