Bandwidth caps by ip address group

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Bandwidth caps by ip address group

Post by christopher123457 »

Hi all, first post, but loving the support out there. I have yet to find exactly what I'm looking for, so here goes.

Devices on network:
Modem(Exede satellite provided, minimal options for adjustments) (M1)
Wrt54g running ddwrt x3(r1, r2, r,3)

So, the way this is set up currently the modem is handling all the dhcp, passing out the ip address.
R1 is lan connected to modem, broadcasting network one.
R2 and R3 is lan connected to R1

All routers are on the same subnet as M1.

What I'd like to do is put a gargoyle router in, set up that as a subnet beneath the modem(as I cant turn off dhcp on the modem). I would like to use the new gargoyle router as a replacement for R1
Question 1: Will there be any problems associated with subnetting the gargoyle router?

Okay, from there.
I would like to set quotas for an ip address range. Basically, I have 7 people who need an equal share of the internet, plus some left over for unregistered devices(guests).
I don't want to set static IP addresses for because some people are being weird about their privacy over having a static IP, but hey. That's some people.

So, if possible set groups of devices to a specific ip range, and then quota that range.

After the quota is reached, I want to toggle them down super slow speeds. Usable for basically facebook messenger, email, and very slow web browsing, but basically no usable streaming.

Hopefully that all makes sense. Let me know what you think, and if you need any more info. I'm pretty good, but fairly new to networking. Also a bit crossfaded as I'm writing please ask anything you need to help out.

Thanks so much peoples of the software world :D :) :geek:

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Re: Bandwidth caps by ip address group

Post by Lantis »

You can't use most of gargoyles features in the setup you describe as Gargoyle is not acting as a gateway.
If you are happy to have the modem on a seperate subnet (i.e. introduce double NAT) then you can achieve most of what you want.

You need to assign static ips to make your job easier. Otherwise your chances of a sane config are almost zero.
Tell your housemates etc that you're only setting a static private IP address so no privacy concerns.
If you're using IPv6, that's a different story. for the latest releases
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Re: Bandwidth caps by ip address group

Post by christopher123457 »

Hey Lantis,

Thanks for the prompt response here. What exactly is happening with a double NAT, and what are the potential problems? I would be fine with subnetting, as I don't see another option. The Modem can't be modified...gotta love satellite internet...That said, if you know of a modem that would work with Exede which I could modify and work with, love to hear it!

As far as roommate concerns, i'm basically going to do it in reverse if possible. Set everyone else up with their quota's, and Leave the quota for "guests" as the final allotment, and let them fight it out with the unregistered devices. Static IP is going to work out fine.

Thanks again :)

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Re: Bandwidth caps by ip address group

Post by christopher123457 »

Hey Lantis, I think I figured out some more about double NAT. From what I understand it basically just means that clients on one network wouldn't be able to communicate with clients on the other network.

If this is correct, then it shouldn't be a problem. I would intend to put all the routers and as such all clients on the subnet, leaving the modem entirely unused as far as client handling. Everything would be on the subnet, and the modem would only provide internet service to my gargoyle router via LAN, and other routers would provide access points of gargoyle router via LAN

Please correct me if I'm wrong or missed something here, Thanks!
Last edited by christopher123457 on Sat Aug 28, 2021 9:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Bandwidth caps by ip address group

Post by Lantis »

That should work OK, and your understanding of double NAT is correct.
You say the modem can't be modified. Does it have the ability to forward ports (or more ideally, set up a DMZ)?
A DMZ will automatically push all ports from the modem (your public IP) to the Gargoyle router. You can then control additional port forwarding etc from Gargoyle without a hassle.

If you can't do this, you may run into issues with some services.

Most modems allow this configuration :) for the latest releases
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Re: Bandwidth caps by ip address group

Post by christopher123457 »

Hey Lantis,

I appreciate the info, I will look into the DMZ(Demilitarized zone?) more tomorrow. I really appreciate the help thus far, and I will report back the options I have in my modem.


I found the DMZ option within the Modem, I'm a little confused on how to set it up. I have source Ip and desitnation IP for my options.

Also, can you explain the basics of what this does for me?


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Re: Bandwidth caps by ip address group

Post by Lantis »

The source IP address should be "any" or "*" or whatever it allows for you to select everything.
The destination IP is the static IP address you set for the Gargoyle router in your modem settings. for the latest releases
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Re: Bandwidth caps by ip address group

Post by christopher123457 »

Hey Lantis,

I figured as much, but it's good to be certain since I've never heard of DMZ networks before.

So, back to data quotas. Say I have 13 devices, and I want to give my 30 gigs of data to those 13 devices, allowing them to pull however much each device wants until the pot is empty, how would I go about doing that?

From there, I would want to repeat that for each person, so that all of their devices are pulling from that persons pot of data. Is this possible? Setting up each device with a data limit is not really a viable option.


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Re: Bandwidth caps by ip address group

Post by christopher123457 »

Hi Lantis, I figured out how to do what I was looking for.

First, my modem( is set up with DMZ and the destination is my gargoyle router's static IP of

From there, I reserved IP addresses for static IP access points across the network. I set up my other access points(running ddwrt) to run with dhcp disabled(effectively turning them into a switch with LAN/WAN bridged from what I understand) allowing all IP address info to be handled by Gargoyle

I set DHCP to handle a range of for potential guests and new devices

I set static IP for each device, giving each person a 20 IP address range, with enough space to expand if necessary.

Person 1(P1) has a range of, with each device having a static IP falling within that range.

P2 has a range of, again with their devices set to a static IP falling within that range.

Then, I set up a quota for each persons IP address range, i.e., with a max total up+down of 25 gigs for the entire IP range. Repeated with each person willing to have static IP address.

After that, I set up a quota for the DHCP data range, which is capped at all the remaining data for guests and roommates that don't want to have static IP addresses.

Does this all make sense and sound like a viable option for ensuring data will be evenly spread between all users?

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Re: Bandwidth caps by ip address group

Post by Lantis »

With the DMZ, the destination address should be Gargoyles address in the modem subnet. If you look on the Gargoyle status overview page you'll see it has an address in the 192.168.1.x range.

Other than that yes :)

Just to note with your final allotment for the remaining devices, there's 2 settings. Quota individual and combined. If you use combined, be aware that a single user could use all of the data leaving the other users none. There's not much you can do to police this except to transfer this user or device to their own quota if it continues to happen. for the latest releases
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