password setting for clients

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password setting for clients

Post by DaiuntreeJohn »

greetings from the Daintree in Australia

this is my first post here if it is in the wrong forum my apologies.

i was approached today by someone who has 3 holiday rental cabins in the daintree on one block of land. He provides 600mb per day which resets at 10am each day when clients are checking out.

A previous client reset the router which runs gargoyle software as the front end which allows him to provide clients with internet access and you had to log on to access the service.

When i asked a couple of questions i found out that when they bought the business there was no handover training or manual and it has not had a firmware upgrade in the 3 years since they bought the business.

as i see it the gargoyle front end is seriously out of date problem number one.

problem number 2 he needs to have that router not accessible to guests preventing this scenario ever happening again.

obviously that logon password to access the daily allowance is in a menu somewhere but i could not for the life of me find it was my first exposure to gargoyle today.

would someone be kind enough to point me in the right direction where we can configure the logon for guests to have access to the Wi-Fi with that limit.

background. The Daintree world heritage area in Queensland is remote visitors come from the cities expecting unlimited access with satellite services being restricted and very weather dependent. Starlink has only just become available to us in the last 3 weeks yay.

my apologies for this very long post but i know from experience more information helps.

any and all suggestions/advice will be greatly appreciated

take care and stay safe

John Scott

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Re: password setting for clients

Post by Lantis »

Hi John,
The only way a client could reset the router would be:
- Compromised admin password
- Setting the wifi password the same as the admin password (see above)
- Physical access to the router to power it off and on
- Physical access to the router to factory reset it

All of those are security issues (either technological or physical) that can be solved. That is my primary advice to the admin.

It is difficult to advise without knowing the exact version being used, but the initial configuration is on System -> Access to set the administration password. Next would be on Connection -> Basic to configure Internet access and wifi network, ensuring that the wifi password is not the same as the admin password.
For the quotas, Firewall -> Quotas. Add a new quota for "All individual hosts without explicit quotas", max upload/download set as appropriate, active times and resets as appropriate, and to either shutdown access or throttle access.
You may also wish to create a specific quota for an administration device with a higher limit to prevent it being cutoff. for the latest releases
Please be respectful when posting. I do this in my free time on a volunteer basis.

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Re: password setting for clients

Post by DaiuntreeJohn »

Hi Lantis
Thank you for your comprehensive assistance its greatly appreciated.

You are spot-on about the physical access to the router; I need to have a broad discussion with the facility owner about this. It's happened once means it can happen again until the access to the box is resolved.

As previously mentioned there has been no gargoyle upgrading for 3 years so it will be out of date, that's a separate issue. Unfortunately, what I'm seeing in this remote environment new owners purchase accommodation places for tourists and there is only limited if any handover awareness as part of the sale.

thank you for your kindness in the quick reply

Stay safe and take care
John Scott

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Re: password setting for clients

Post by ispyisail »

Gargoyle is a volunteer project and it is what is

The project lead is now mostly retired. Lantis keeps Gargoyle alive in his spare time.

Gargoyle was designed for the home user using cheap routers with a full router feature set.

Commercial use was never really intended.

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