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4MB vs 8MB Flash - Benefits?

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 6:25 pm
by callsignapollo
Hi. I've got a WRT54GL - I had recommended to others that they go down the WRT router path but I had a few questions regarding what hardware was best.

In the DD-WRT case it's clear that you can't use the mega build without 8MB of ram. I prefer the features Gargoyle has and was wondering if there's any benefit having 8MB over 4MB of RAM in this case.


Re: 4MB vs 8MB Flash - Benefits?

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 9:44 pm
by florachan
RAM Random Access Memory - storing temporary data
FLASH MEMORY - storing firmware and configuration

Rule of thumb, bigger flash and ram is always better . more flash memory mean you can store more stuff and if you have 8mb flash you will have an option to upgrade to megabuild incase you wanted to switch to dd-wrt for some reason down the road

rough user per ram guide
16MB RAM - 2 or 3 user max
38MB RAM - 6 or 7 user max

it's up to you but I do strongly recommend you get a router that have 32mb of RAM .

p/s regarding your question
NO , I don't think it make a different for gargoyle unless you want to add some openwrt module or addon to your router .