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Version 1.1.2

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 11:10 am
by Eric
New in v1.1.2:
  • Rearrange plots in bandwidth usage screen, so the upload and download plots are small and displayed above the larger total plot. Each plot can then be expanded in a new window. This helps visualize all three plots at once.
  • Decrease max number of intervals labeled on bandwidth plots, so interval labels never overlap, which sometimes previously made them look messy and unreadable
  • Fix bug that can sometimes cause problems when restoring old bandwidth monitor data
  • Fix bug preventing bandwidth distribution pie charts from displaying correctly in Opera and Chrome

Re: Version 1.1.2

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 11:44 am
by Maniac
Ah-ha, so that's why the b/w distribution wasn't working. I hadn't had time to mess around with it to see why (I'm on Opera). Thanks!

Re: Version 1.1.2

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 6:12 pm
by BikeMike
Eric wrote:I'm very interested in feedback on the new bandwidth monitor interface...
  • Instead of monitoring bandwidth of static IPs only, monitor all IPs (automatically detected), but at lower resolution
Hi Eric,
Just loaded 1.1.2 and I'm afraid my feedback on this is negative. I don't like the way the usage graphs turn into big triangle peaks when you select an IP to monitor, I prefer the higher resolution instantaneous monitoring. I only ever use the 15 minute range. Could you keep the higher resolution for 15 minutes only?

Also I noticed although the graph is "live" the times shown below it are about 12 minutes behind current time (yes router time is correct)... odd :?

The smaller graphs side by side layout is ok, but actually I would prefer the larger one just with download shown first.

Re: Version 1.1.2

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 7:58 pm
by Eric
I appreciate your feedback, but there is a reason for the lower resolution plots. The problem is that higher resolution data is a lot bigger. Specifically, 30 times bigger (one measurement every 2 seconds vs once a minute). Before, when it was just static IPs, it wasn't very likely that you'd get too many static IPs defined. But now, anytime someone new connects there's another IP, and the bandwidth data being stored jumps. Someone who didn't even care about the feature could end up crashing their router (too much ram used) very easily.

Before, when a static IP was required, a lot of people were asking "I see you can monitor multiple IPs in your screenshots, how do you do that? I don't see any IP in the dropdown." The way I have it now, it's active by default... but I have to be very careful because that means it's possible for more RAM to be needed than the device has. Hence the lower resolution plots for individual IPs, which take up less space.

I may be able to make this configurable... but I'm still a little concerned that a LOT of people would enable the high-res data on small devices and effectively shoot themselves in the foot.

If you want a larger plot for the download you can still easily expand the smaller download plot by clicking on "expand", so you get a bigger graph.

The time difference is a bit curious/worrying. I haven't seen that in any of my testing (I just checked my main router, and it doesn't show this time offset in the bandwidth graphs). Are you sure the router's time is correct? i.e., if you go to the status/overview page does the date match up perfectly?

Re: Version 1.1.2

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 12:43 am
by BikeMike
Yes, router time/date is correct, as is my PC time/date. The offset of the axis labels seems to be 12 minutes 10 seconds as best I can determine, but the data being graphed is live, ie. if I start a download I see it immediately. I have rebooted the router but no difference.

Re: Version 1.1.2

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 6:48 pm
by florachan
BikeMike wrote:
Eric wrote:I'm very interested in feedback on the new bandwidth monitor interface...
  • Instead of monitoring bandwidth of static IPs only, monitor all IPs (automatically detected), but at lower resolution
Hi Eric,
Just loaded 1.1.2 and I'm afraid my feedback on this is negative. I don't like the way the usage graphs turn into big triangle peaks when you select an IP to monitor, I prefer the higher resolution instantaneous monitoring. I only ever use the 15 minute range. Could you keep the higher resolution for 15 minutes only?

Hi Eric,

I am with BikeMike on this.

Is there a way to temporary increase the resolution of the monitoring for say 15 minute by toggle a button?

I do use the high resolution graphing. The data don't have to be store permanently.. Just need to have a quick high resolution view on bandwidth.

Re: Version 1.1.2

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 2:16 pm
by Eric
Sorry for my delay in getting back to you on this, I've been out of town visiting family (with a limited internet connection).

Based on your feedback (I truly appreciate it by the way, I really like hearing from users, so that I know what to fix/what needs work), I will consider adding an option for high-res monitoring in the 15min timeframe (with an appropriate warning label next to it!). That's the least dangerous timeframe anyway, since data gets deleted fairly quickly, and doesn't stick around forever filling up flash/memory.

BikeMike: I'd really like to make sure your router's time is correct, because the new bandwidth implementation is taking its time straight from the router's clock. Can you ssh into the router and run:

Code: Select all

That should tell you whether the date is truly accurate in the router.

Does anyone else see this time offset BikeMike is reporting?

Re: Version 1.1.2

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 4:37 pm
by NL2009
Hi Eric

I have never seen any discrepancy between the date/time displayed on my PC and the date/time indicated on the Router. The only comment is that the router describes its date as "UTC" whereas I am actually at UTC+2hours.

The System -> Time -> Current Date & Time: displays the actual (local) time but describes it as UTC. In my case the UTC time should technically should be 2 hours earlier.

Thanks again for some great, useful and usable firmware!

Re: Version 1.1.2

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 10:49 pm
by BikeMike
Eric wrote:BikeMike: I'd really like to make sure your router's time is correct, because the new bandwidth implementation is taking its time straight from the router's clock.
I have taken a screenshot showing router time (web interface and ssh), PC time and graph time so you can see the difference.

Re: Version 1.1.2

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 12:31 am
by Eric
Ok, I agree, that definitely looks like an issue with the front end. Thanks for double-checking the router's time. I'll look into it, but it may be tricky, since I can't replicate the problem.