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Bricked 1043ND Help

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 1:31 am
by Maverick45a
Go figure - Brand new router - followed all the instructions to do a firmware upgrade to V1.5.6 (was told not to try V1.5.9 as it was causing problems). Loaded the file, from within the native console firmware upgrade screen. It responded with software loaded, screen should refresh.

Screen did not refresh, I closed that web browser session and tried to login to - nothing. Waited the suggested time frame, rebooted router - nothing. Waited the suggested time frame and rebooted both router and PC - nothing.

When I first plug in the router, the Sys light flashes once for approximately 100ms, then I get a solid power light and a flashing light that corresponds to my PC Ethernet connection (as it attempts to get an IP). PC gets a limited connection warning - and there I sit with a nice new white brick (with 3 antennas).

I've ordered a USB-TTL adapter cable. Is there anyone out there who can walk a router de-bricking newbie through the process? I am not a novice to electronics and am comfortable with a soldering iron, but I am unsure how to actually debrick the router. Do I need a terminal program to access the serial port? Do I end up telneting into the router? Do I need to download a specific file? I have saved the modified WR1043ND factory load from the Gargoyle Dowload instructions, plus I have downloaded the original WR1043ND factory load from the TP-Link website.

Help please and thank you (again - step by step instructions would be fantastic)

Re: Bricked 1043ND Help

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 6:45 am
by tievolu
I've just ordered a couple of 1043nd's and I intend to install Gargoyle on them, so I've been doing some research over the last few days.

Perhaps your problem has something to do with this: wrote:WARNING: v1.10 supports only Attitude Adjustment 12.09-rc1 or above. Backfire 10.03.1 causes a BRICK!!
Gargoyle 1.5.6 is based on Backfire. Only Gargoyle 1.5.7 and later are based on Attitude Adjustment.

What version of the 1043nd do you have?

EDIT: Interestingly, this post indicates that 1.5.6 can be installed on a v1.10. I don't know which is correct :?

Re: Bricked 1043ND Help

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 11:52 am
by Maverick45a
Thanks for the information - Considering I now have a nice brand new white brick with 3 antennas attached, I'd say the information regarding V1.5.6 turning a WR1043ND V1.1 into a brick is highly accurate.

I thought I managed to read everything on the forums (regarding WR1043ND's) before proceeding but missed the one you sent in your post. I had a few users reply to my initial post regarding the Gargoyle software. One said he had V1.5.9 on his router with no problems, others have said they have had nothing but problems and one strongly suggested V1.5.6 - grrrrrrrrrrrr (Probably my error for not saying I had V1.1 - ooooh well live and learn)

I'm just waiting for a serial cable to arrive so I can attempt a 'de-bricking' session.

Thanks for your reply - I appreciate it!


Re: Bricked 1043ND Help

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 6:38 am
by Slacker
Did you try following the recovery mode steps in the openwrk 1043nd wiki?
Static ip in the 192.168.1.x subnet, hitting the OSS button at router boot(fast sys light flashing) and telnetting in?

Re: Bricked 1043ND Help

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 12:10 am
by Maverick45a
Slacker wrote:Did you try following the recovery mode steps in the openwrk 1043nd wiki?
Static ip in the 192.168.1.x subnet, hitting the OSS button at router boot(fast sys light flashing) and telnetting in?

Yes I tried that - the Sys light only comes on for approximately 100ms - and pressing and holding the QSS button or rapidly pushing it during the boot-up sequence does nothing. I'm pretty sure its completely bricked and will require a serial connection to de-brick it. I'm hoping someone can provide me step by step instructions. But I'm slooooowly putting together my own procedure from reading through the forum.

Re: Bricked 1043ND Help

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 8:58 am
by tievolu
Just so you know, I now have 1.5.9 installed on two v1.10 1043nd's - one as my main router and the other as a bridge/repeater. I have three wired clients and three wireless, and I've had no problems so far.

Not trying to gloat btw :) - just wanted to let you know for when you get yours back up and running - 1.5.9 seems ok to me.

Re: Bricked 1043ND Help

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 11:58 am
by Maverick45a
tievolu wrote:Just so you know, I now have 1.5.9 installed on two v1.10 1043nd's - one as my main router and the other as a bridge/repeater. I have three wired clients and three wireless, and I've had no problems so far.

Not trying to gloat btw :) - just wanted to let you know for when you get yours back up and running - 1.5.9 seems ok to me.

Perfect! Thanks very much for the input - I had my mouse hovering on the 1.5.9 file and decided at the last second to chose 1.5.6 because of negative feedback on 1.5.9 - Believe me I'm wishing I had clicked 1.5.9.

Have you ever 'de-bricked' a router? I'm kinda stumbling around in the dark.

Re: Bricked 1043ND Help

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:07 am
by tievolu
Sorry, no, I haven't de-bricked a hard brick for several years.

The last time I did it I used a pin shorting trick on the WRT54G. I wouldn't recommend doing anything like that - it ended in tears :lol:

Re: Bricked 1043ND Help

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 3:18 am
by Maverick45a
Received the USB-TTL cable in the mail - followed the instructions of multiple users posted on the forums - SUCCESS - now running V1.5.9!!!!

Thanks to everyone who provided an opinion

BEWARE TO ALL NEWBIES - DO NOT LOAD V1.5.6 on your TP-Link WR1043ND if it is version 1.1 - you will INSTANTLY have a brick.

Re: Bricked 1043ND Help

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 7:06 am
by tievolu
Someone should update the 1043ND installation section of the wiki with this info. It's the v1.10 hardware that's the problem btw - the (old) 1.1 would be ok I think.