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Version 1.1.0 (Experimental)

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 4:24 pm
by Eric
As of version 1.1.0, there is now a seperate stable (1.0) and experimental (1.1) branch. New releases may be made in the old, stable branch to fix major bugs, but most development will now focus on the new, experimental 1.1 branch.

New in Version 1.1.0, is a bandwidth distribution section (B/W Distribution in the status menu), which will show the use of every individual ip on the network over the last few months/days/hours/minutes. This data is displayed in a series of pie charts and a table that displays both actual usage as well as percentage use for each IP.

Below is a screenshot of the pie charts, with 3 connected IPs:


Re: Version 1.1.0 (Experimental)

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 6:24 pm
by DoesItMatter
Loaded and Testing on Fonera 2201+

Trying the AP+Client again, will see how long I can get uptime.

It may very well be my crazy setup.

Re: Version 1.1.0 (Experimental)

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 8:09 am
by spryte
Dear Eric,

If I wanted to muck around with the codes, which one should I work with? The stable version (1.0.14) or experimental (1.1.0)?



Re: Version 1.1.0 (Experimental)

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 6:55 pm
by Eric
Well.. the version you should play with depends on what you want to implement, and whether you're relying on the code not to change.

The latest version (in the trunk sub-directory in the svn) is updated frequently and contains all the latest changes, which may or may not be stable (if you constantly create builds based on this, it may break unexpectedly if I make a commit that breaks something).

The branches/1.0 sub-directory contains the latest bug fixes applied to the old 1.0 branch, but none of the newer features in 1.1.X (primarily updates for the bandwidth monitor).

The versions found in the tags sub-directory, including 1.1.0 will never change -- they're snapshots of the code at the time those versions were released. (Though once or twice I've back-ported a fix to a major bug I caught within 24 hours after release)

If you want to develop new features for yourself, it's entirely your call which level of stability you want to develop from. If you want to submit them to me with the hope of getting them incorporated I strongly suggest using one of the latest tags, or the trunk (even though it's not as stable), since it will make it easier much easier for me to incorporate -- I'm only updating the 1.0 branch with significant bug-fixes, not new features. If you're interested in helping with new features, let me know -- it would be great to work together. So far, I've mostly been working alone on this project...

Re: Version 1.1.0 (Experimental)

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 9:06 am
by spryte
Thanks for the info. I'll go through the directory listing when I get the chance.

I definitely would like to help out but I'm more of the hobbyist programmer and only code when I'm in the mood. I'm actually a novice and no where in the same league as you (Gargoyle is an excellent system).

As it is, I normally browse through the Development forums and look for doable suggestions to implement (hence the time format fix). If you have any suggestions (not urgent ones) to implement, you could list them down and I'll go through them.

Again, I'm sorry I can't commit at the moment as I'm in the final stages of writing up my thesis. I'll do whatever I can to help. Thanks again and great work!!

Re: Version 1.1.0 (Experimental)

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 1:19 pm
by Eric
A couple of smaller projects:

1) A couple people have requested a system to schedule an automatic reboot. This should be added to the System/Reboot page, and let people schedule a time when the system will automatically go down for reboot. This can be implemented relatively simply by adding a line to the /etc/crontabs/root file.

2) Right now I'm only using the layer7 iptables filters that ship with OpenWrt. I'd like a package that adds some more/updates these filters. Also, I'd like to update some of the javascript so that there is a function in the common.js library where I can send it a list of all files in /etc/l7-protocols, and it will translate the ones it recognizes to a list of names (with proper spacing/capitalization), and just drops the .pat extension from the one it doesn't know. It should return a two-dimensional array. l7names[0] should be a list of the names without the .pat extension which are the protocol ids iptables will accept. l7names[1] l7names[1] should be the human-readable names with proper spacing/capitalization. Then, wherever there is a select element for l7 filters it should be populated using this function. The files in the l7-protocols directory can be loaded in the haserl shell script at the top of the relevant pages. This way, any time you add an L7 filter it automatically appears wherever it should, instead of having to change stuff in a bunch of places.

3) This is one I'm going to do soon anyway (it has relatively high priority), but it's probably the simplest of the three: In the Quotas section, update the validateQuota function so instead of testing whether there is any other quota for a given ip it checks whether there is any other quota for the same ip that has an overlapping time frame. That way, two quotas can be specified for the same IP so long as the times that they apply do not overlap.

Are you writing a Masters or PhD thesis? If you're writing your PhD thesis right now, you are, in at least one respect, ahead of me ;-) In either case, good luck! I'm curious: what are you studying and what is your thesis topic?

Re: Version 1.1.0 (Experimental)

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 9:39 am
by spryte
Sounds interesting. I'll take a look at the todo list over the weekend. Hopefully I can get a thing or two done.

I'm doing a PhD in IT at the moment. It's in the area of network intrusion detection. Sounds fancier than it actually is. Hehe. Are you doing one too?


Re: Version 1.1.0 (Experimental)

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 12:01 pm
by Eric
Yeah, I am.

Why do you think I created Gargoyle? In my experience (and this applies to all fields), the research projects assigned to grad students represent the hardest problems humanity has encountered... that also have very little, if any, practical application. I was so sick of working on things that have no clear use in the real world that I decided to correct the situation. I started using all of my spare time to work on something that is useful, even if it had nothing to do with the research I was (and still am) supposed to be doing.

Paul Graham (huge name in the the tech startup industry), wrote in one of his essays that "there are few sources of energy so powerful as a procrastinating grad student." That, in a nutshell, is where Gargoyle came from.

Re: Version 1.1.0 (Experimental)

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 2:49 am
by spryte
Hahaha. I guess the feeling is mutual. Procrastination seems to be my middle name too.