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Bandwidth Usage - Change Times?

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 6:44 am
by callsignapollo
Hi. I'm wondering if someone might be able to help me with what I'm trying to do.

Basically, I have 60GB a month quota from my ISP, and unlimited quota between the hours of 2am and 8am (off-peak). What I'm trying to do is keep track of how much bandwidth is used each day peak, and off peak. ie. want to see bandwidth between (one) 8am and 2am, and (two) 2am and 8am, daily.

Is this possible?

I have a feeling it's to do with the quota allowance and having one for both periods, but it would be ideal if I could have unlimited quota between each period because obviously my off peak time is unlimited, but also I don't want a daily allowance on peak.. I might use 5gb one day but 1gb the next.

Is someone able to assist? Thanks!