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Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 8:16 pm
by Maniac
First off, thanks for your great work on this. I'm an ex-DD-WRT user, and the QoS settings on Gargoyle just blow it out of the water, along with the bandwidth and connection information. I'm quite pleased with it so far.

There are a few suggestions I have which I think would make setting up QoS and managing the network easier.
A. When bittorrent is open I have hundreds to thousands of connections in the Connection List. It would be very helpful to be able to filter (probably via a drop-down list of the values in the column) and/or sort these connections by Source IP, Destination IP, and Total Up/Down amounts for finding specific ports to change QoS settings for.
Additionally Current Upload /Download bandwidth columns may be helpful.

B. Being able to add a custom Title or Name to a specific QoS rule would be helpful when revisiting the QoS pages so you can remember what a setting was for.

C. On the Connected Hosts page it would be useful to see the Hostname of the connected devices. I don't tend to memorize the MAC addresses of all my devices :) so it can be hard to tell which is which when trying to set QoS/Port settings per IP.

D. I see you already have this feature in mind, but I would also appreciate the bandwidth usage for IP's that are not static.

E. One last thing I noticed is that when saving pages it takes about 2-3x as long to update as DD-WRT does, just an observation that may be worth looking into. It's not unbearable considering the advantages.

Thanks again! Even without the above I can manage my network so much more effectively than I could with DD-WRT. The ability to add static IP's, manage QoS rules per IP/port combinations, set bandwidth caps (!!) on QoS classes... they all make it so much better. I wish I had discovered this ages ago. BTW I'm running on an Asus WL-500gPv2.

Re: Suggestions/Observations

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 10:33 pm
by Gabnoj
I certainly second suggestion "C".
Would be nice to see hostnames of connected hosts, would come very much in handy when trying to change IP/Quota/QOS settings for one specific host when many are connected.. :)

Re: Suggestions/Observations

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 11:43 am
by pbix
On A) above it would be cool also to list the QoS classification of the connection. One more column I know but would be helpful in ensuring that connections are properly classified.

Re: Suggestions/Observations

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 4:08 pm
by Maniac
One other thing I find bothering me is that enter doesn't work after typing the password on the login page (on Opera at least).


Re: Suggestions/Observations

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:18 pm
by Maniac
Maniac wrote:One other thing I find bothering me is that enter doesn't work after typing the password on the login page (on Opera at least).

I figured out a while ago that hitting tab works to enter the password, odd but better than having to use the mouse.