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WNDR3700v1 Dropping Port Forwards

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 9:52 pm
by g12345
I have really enjoyed this firmware, the QOS is the best that I have used. I have been having issues and trying to determine if it is my router going bad (I have a WNDR3700V1) or software related. I started out with 1.4.0 version and it worked great, upgraded to 1.4.1 and started having port forward issues. I have always set up manually after upgrading, had issues restoring between versions on DDWRT and assumed it was the same here. I had 1.4.1 up and running for a couple days good, then all of the sudden it dropped all my port forwards. I went to set them back up, entered all of them, it flashed saving changes faster than normal, and when I refreshed none of the port forwards were there it would not save. If I enter one at a time I can get them to save sometimes, but then entering another one and saving again wipes some or all of the port forwards back out again. I have upgraded to newer versions as they came out, still been having the same issue with port forwards disappearing and not wanting to let me save them. I had it working for a while on 1.5.2 so I left it alone, but it just wiped the forwards out again yesterday so I upgraded to 1.5.4 but still the same issue. I have tried flashing back to stock through tftp recovery, wiping then, flashing ddwrt and wiping, but every time I go back to Gargoyle it gives me issues with the forwards. I have 30/30/30 reset a bunch of times, still having an issue. Has anyone encountered this before? I am thinking maybe the NVRAM has some bad blocks or something maybe on my unit causing the weirdness, but wanted to see if anyone else had seen this before I drop some more cash on a replacement router. Thanks for any insight you can provide!

Re: WNDR3700v1 Dropping Port Forwards

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 10:10 pm
by pbix
I have never heard of such an issue. You might use putty to login to your router's command line and check the output of 'dmesg' and 'logread' for error message that might be helpful.