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Passthrough mode with Gargoyle

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 3:38 am
by fidjit
While my WR1043nd was having heaps of wireless connectivity issues my WRT54g was looking good until tonight :o

Exhibiting the same symptoms of wireless confections dropping out.

While I need to see who in the family is using up bandwidth stability is more important.

I've just reinstated my stock WR1043

Is there any way my wrt 54g (1.2.5 ) can be put into passthrough and put in front or behind my tplink ??

I suppose I could just make my tplink an access point only but I'd rather do all management on the tplink and just see/save bandwidth
usage on the wrt.........

This means I could take the WRT in and out as required as I really don't want two devices ( three if you count my modem ) running all the time.

Thoughts or ideas folks.

Re: Passthrough mode with Gargoyle

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 12:29 pm
by DoesItMatter
If you have the WRT54 in front of the WR1043, you could only
monitor total bandwidth, not individual bandwidth.

And I believe it also has to be a DHCP IP, so don't set a Static IP
for the WR1043.

What you can do though, is do:

Modem -> WRT54 -> WR1043

Have the WR1043 get a DHCP IP from the WRT54, and once you
know the IP, put that into the WRT54 DMZ.

So you should still have monitoring, but it will be like the
WR1043 is connected right to the internet, not through the
WRT54G for routing, etc.