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Coexistence/interoperability w/ x-wrt

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 10:42 pm
by Taoist
Can Gargoyle coexist with X-Wrt?

Until all the features of X-Wrt are available directly in Gargoyle, It would be great to have the X-Wrt interface secondary on another port.

Is this possible?


Re: Coexistence/interoperability w/ x-wrt

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 10:03 am
by Eric
It might be possible, but you can't do it just by installing the X-wrt package -- there's going to be some substantial additional tinkering necessary. I have not tried this and I also have no intention of working on this -- I would much rather spend my time working on implementing the missing features in Gargoyle.

However, if you are intent on trying this, here are my thoughts on how to go about it:

First, Gargoyle & X-wrt use two different web servers. X-wrt uses the busybox server and Gargoyle uses a custom version of minihttpd. Currently, the Gargoyle server forces shutdown of busybox httpd on startup so that there isn't any confusion.

Second, some of the directory structure overlaps, though I'm not sure whether there are any duplicate file names. It would probably be best to configure separate root web directories (/www and /www2). You would probably want to configure /www2 to be gargoyle since I'm pretty sure it will handle being moved (just change the root web directory in /etc/config/gargoyle and in /etc/config/httpd-gargoyle) better than X-wrt will.

Finally, and perhaps most problematically, some of the configuration Gargoyle does may not be interpretted correctly by X-wrt and visa versa so if you DO use any features that overlap at ALL, you could get some very weird and inaccurate readings.

Re: Coexistence/interoperability w/ x-wrt

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 11:58 pm
by jinlu8591
I was trying to instell webif (x-wrt) on top of beta3, and was not able to. It seems that the device complains about not enough memory.... Anybody was able to do it? Thanks.
