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DIR-825 B1 LED Configuration

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 4:37 pm
by wildbit
Hi everyone, on my first experience with Gargoyle and would like to share an installation glitch related to LED activity. The POWER and WAN leds do not work after installation!

Here is the code to resolve it and the workaround for the issue encountered.

If you would like to have the POWER led flash intermittently Orange and fixed Blue after PowerUp and
the WAN planet flash Blue on Link, Transmit and Receive signals,

run this code through SSH console:

Code: Select all

uci set system.led_wan_orange=led
uci set system.led_wan_orange.sysfs=d-link:orange:planet
uci set system.led_wan_orange.default=0
uci set system.led_wan_blue=led
uci set system.led_wan_blue.default=1
uci set system.led_wan_blue.sysfs=d-link:blue:planet
uci set system.led_wan_blue.trigger=netdev
uci set
uci set system.led_wan_blue.mode=link,tx,rx
uci set system.led_power_orange=led
uci set system.led_power_orange.sysfs=d-link:orange:power
uci set system.led_power_orange.default=0
uci set system.led_power_blue=led
uci set system.led_power_blue.sysfs=d-link:blue:power
uci set system.led_power_blue.default=1
uci commit system
The code should run with no errors however on line 9 I purposely introduced one to allow the code to run and update /etc/config/system file. The actual code for the line is

uci set system.led_wan_blue.mode=link tx rx

but in my case it would not run.

After running the code above go into /etc/config/system and as explained make the following change:

In /etc/config/system find the section

"config led 'led_wan_blue'
option sysfs 'd-link:blue:planet'
option trigger 'netdev'
option dev 'eth1'
option default '1'
option mode 'link,tx,rx'"

in option mode line replace the commas with spaces.
It should look like this:

config led 'led_wan_blue'
option sysfs 'd-link:blue:planet'
option trigger 'netdev'
option dev 'eth1'
option default '1'
option mode 'link tx rx'

Save and reboot. Done!

Gargoyle 1.12.0 fat version - DIR-825 Hardware B1

Re: DIR-825 B1 LED Configuration

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 7:59 pm
by Lantis
If you quote the output it should work fine.

uci set system.led_wan_blue.mode="link,tx,rx"

Re: DIR-825 B1 LED Configuration

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 8:18 pm
by wildbit
Apologies... Didnt mean to intrude and most of all disrespect.

Thanks for clarifying the procedure

Re: DIR-825 B1 LED Configuration

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 8:45 pm
by Lantis
It's no problem, it just helps to make your instructions simpler and helps you understand why.

No issues ;)

Re: DIR-825 B1 LED Configuration

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 7:58 pm
by CBx86
Hey guys!!!

I'm having a similar problem, my wan led stay solid red. Dont Blink, dont change do green. @NETGEAR WNDR4300

Wan conection ok.
PPPoe ok.

I had this problem in the other versions, editing /etc/config/system to:

Code: Select all

config led 'led_wan'
	option name 'WAN (green)'
	option sysfs 'netgear:green:wan'
	option trigger 'netdev'
	option dev 'pppoe-wan'
	option mode 'link tx rx'
Fixed the problem.

Now, since i upgraded to: 1.12.X (Built 20200610-0028 git@80899c80)

Dont work (using 'my' fix):

Code: Select all

Skipping trigger 'netdev
        option dev pppoe-wan
        option mode link' for led 'WAN (green)' due to missing kernel module
The default config:

Code: Select all

config led 'led_wan_green'
        option name 'WAN (green)'
        option sysfs 'netgear:green:wan'
        option trigger 'switch0'
        option port_mask '0x20'
        option speed_mask '0x08'

config led 'led_wan_amber'
        option name 'WAN (amber)'
        option sysfs 'netgear:amber:wan'
        option trigger 'switch0'
        option port_mask '0x20'
        option speed_mask '0x06'
Some help, please? :D

Re: DIR-825 B1 LED Configuration

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 8:09 pm
by CBx86
The wan triggers:

Code: Select all

none [switch0] timer default-on netdev usbport phy0rx phy0tx phy0assoc phy0radio phy0tpt phy1rx phy1tx phy1assoc phy1radio phy1tpt
Cant find netdev module, installed or to install.

I never check if the port mask value are right, because i get confused with CPU ports and others. :oops:

Re: DIR-825 B1 LED Configuration

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 9:59 am
by CBx86
I had a corrupted USB stick, now

Code: Select all

config led 'led_wan'
	option name 'WAN (green)'
	option sysfs 'netgear:green:wan'
	option trigger 'netdev'
	option dev 'pppoe-wan'
	option mode 'link tx rx'
Works. :o

Re: DIR-825 B1 LED Configuration

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 5:21 am
by 4ertik
Thank you, I managed to deal with these settings. Have you set up??