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Basic question about QOS with ultra low bandwidth

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 4:11 pm
by dsalch
I'm sorry to ask such a basic question, but I need to make sure I understand how QOS is working in my unique case.

My situation: Bad ISP - extremely variable max bandwidth bot sporadically and during periods of the day. as much as 80% decrease in busy periods. My need is to preserve whatever bandwidth is left for video streaming (upload and download). So regardless of how little bandwidth there may be, I need it to be apportioned to video streaming unless there is excess.

Question: Does QOS take control if the throughput is less than the max listed on the screen?

Attached is my upload rules QOS rules. I need a minimum of 1500mbps for streaming to work. I buy 3000mbps. During the day it decreases to available only 500 - 800mbps. I set the qos max upload to half of the actual maximum, but in the afternoons when I need control the most (to ensure that I am not sharing bandwidth with any of my other devices) the max throughput is often at the 600 to 800 range.

So, is QOS operating to limit other traffic when the throughput is lower than the max bandwidth of a class and the max of QOS itself? IF not, is there a way to create such a situation where any decrease of ISP bandwidth below 1500 means everything except streaming is effectively blocked or severely limited?

Re: Basic question about QOS with ultra low bandwidth

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 8:05 pm
by pbix
I believe Gargoyle can help you in the download direction using ACC. Gargoyle is very good at handling download speed variability.

But you should read the documentation on QoS first and then post again with any questions you might have.