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Ability to "hard set ACC limit?

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 11:55 am
by dsalch
In my unique situation (as per another thread in this forum) I have a request...

I really need a way to hard set a ping time for ACC. Not just add to the auto detected time, but actually set it.

My feed is so variable, that the auto mechanism can come back with timings anywhere from 50ms to 180ms when run back to back. The current setting for "manual" seems to just add to the auto detect timing. In order to get a low enough auto detect time, I have to re-save that page to relaunch the autodetect multiple times.

Is there any way to have a hard set value?

Re: Ability to "hard set ACC limit?

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 5:07 pm
by Lantis
You would need to alter the qosmon source code. It is designed in this way to not allow you to set an unrealistic ping limit. Unfortunately in your scenario a lot of the rules go out the window.