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Firewall rule handling changed? 1.9.0 vs 1.9.2

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 12:49 pm
by djani

I have an older setup based on TPL MR3420, firmware is 1.9.0.
The router has one static public IP assigned on WAN side.
There is one e-mail/web/asterisk server on one of the local static IPs.
I am forwarding from WAN to this local static IP all the ports except the routers own HTTP & HTTPS & SSH ports with port range forwarding rules.
So the range forwarding looks like this.
Having 4 rules.

Rulename1 Protocol(both) Start_Port End_Port Local_IP Enabled
Rulename2 Protocol(both) Start_Port End_Port Local_IP Enabled
Rulename3 Protocol(both) Start_Port End_Port Local_IP Enabled
Rulename4 Protocol(both) Start_Port End_Port Local_IP Enabled

This works fine (1.9.0), all the external requests are routed to the server to the local static IP. Local LAN (wired&wireless) has full access to the internet via the WAN port. Local IPs see each other.

Due to cable speed upgrade and 5GHz wireless the router was changed to Archer C7 v2.0 and G 1.9.2.

When same firewall port range forwarding set is enabled the C7 (1.9.2) router kills all local traffic to WAN - both the wireless and wired. When I disable the rules, all local traffic can access the outer net via WAN, but obvously the local server cannot be accessed via the external public IP as port range forwarding is not enabled.

What did change in the firewall from 1.9.0 to 1.9.2 as the port range forwarding does not work the same way.


Re: Firewall rule handling changed? 1.9.0 vs 1.9.2

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2017 5:16 am
by ispyisail
Can you show us a screen shot

have you tried 1.10.0? (I doubt any difference)