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Default List Display

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2017 6:05 pm
by twf85
I find myself popping around the same couple of pages that do not belong to the same category (e.g. "Bandwidth Usage" and "Quotas"), which means that I have to click through their "parents" each time that I do that.

Not a deal breaker, obviously, but I believe it would make Gargoyle much more user friendly if there were an option for people to turn off the default CSS which "hides" each list's children elements.

For anyone who might feel the way I do, I have accomplished this via a Chrome extension called "Stylebot".

And the following CSS:

Code: Select all

@media all and (min-width: 991px) {
  #sidebar > ul > li > ul {    
    display: inline;
  ul.sidebar .sidebar-list a {    
    font-size: 12px;    
    padding-left: 37px;    
    text-indent: 0;    
    border: 0;    
    font-weight: normal;
  li.sidebar-item a {    
    border-bottom: none;
  ul.sidebar .sidebar-list a:hover {    
    padding-left: none;    
    text-decoration: none;
Screenshot of result:


You could probably edit the CSS directly via SSH, but I didn't want to mess with that if I didn't have to.

The caveat with this method is that it isn't browser agnostic, and will need to be repeated in each browser that you use regularly. YMMV depending on availability of plugins/extensions.

The extension at the time of this writing is throwing console errors for me (Chrome), but that may be due to a broken jQuery reference (in the extension) that doesn't affect the extension in the use case highlighted above.

Re: Default List Display

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2017 6:09 pm
by Lantis
We have done some work with this recently, and it was agreed the stay as it was for desktop users, but mobile users now have a kind of inbetween functionality similar to what you ask for.

Try shrinking your screen to the point where the mobile interface engages and try it out.

If you really want this functionality, you should consider submitting it as a new theme :) I am always happy to assist people in packaging up new plugins

Re: Default List Display

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2017 6:32 pm
by twf85
I noticed that! As a new user thrilled with the awesome Bandwidth tracking and Quotas features, I have been checking in with Gargoyle often, and from many different devices (including my cellphone).

I tried your method before opting to throw some CSS at it, and it just felt unnatural. Shrink > Expand > Shrink > Expand. It was more hassle than waiting for the extra pages to load.

In requesting this, I realize that you are probably trying to keep the code base as small as possible to keep the router running efficiently on as many devices as possible. I did a search and couldn't see anything in the first page of results, so I thought I'd post about it.

I will have to look into the custom themes; didn't even know we had those! Very cool :)