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WDR4300 enters bootloop after heavy load

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 6:59 pm
by alex3137

I have 100 mbits connection but my router (WDR4300 v1, Gargoyle 1.9.2) cannot go higher than 30 mbits. The bottleneck is the CPU as I can see load average goes above 1.0 when I reach the max speed.

When the load is sustained, the router crashes and starts a bootloop. I need to reset it to the factory settings to stop that.

Is this a normal Gargoyle behaviour when router's CPU limit is reached ? Is there any logs somewhere to check ?

I limited max download speed to 25 mbits to prevent it happening. I don't really mind loosing 75 mbits as I will soon move to an area where internet is limited to 4 mbits...

Re: WDR4300 enters bootloop after heavy load

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 5:50 pm
by ku1185
Sorry this reply is so late and I hope you've figured out your issue. I can't think of any crash logs or cpu load logs anywhere, but perhaps someone more familiar with ssh can help.

Is there something else using up the CPU? A plugin perhaps? Overheating maybe?

Just before I bricked my WDR4300, I had no trouble handling 10 devices w/ a 50mbps internet connection along with moderate use of an external HD connected to the router serving as a home network storage. I see no reason why 30mbps of throughput crashes your router.