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Re: Partition number (if applicable)

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2019 3:48 am
by ispyisail
You had me laughing quite hard! "For the average home user"? I rather doubt the "the average home user" is changing their firmware to a customized Linux distribution! But, if it gives you pleasure to believe it, so be it. There are egyptologists that believe the sarcophagi in the Serapeum were made with hand tools (hammers and chisels) despite their being less then 5/1000ths of an inch of deviation on the flatness of the surfaces and corners. My answer is, yeah right, but, I surely respect your right to an opinion (despite my agreement or not).
You had better believe it brother

I'm and electrician, never been to university, no formal network training, no programming skills. damn, I can barely read and write

I've flashed more routers than you have hot dinners (Hyperbole, Its the biggest word I know)

But seriously there are hundreds of people like me on this forum.