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Re: gargoyle-ispy 2015-March-27 05:44.torrent

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 11:29 am
by vyvvyan
Lantis wrote:@Eric

These issues with plugins not able to be uninstalled is due to a "segmentation fault" when the gpkg remove --autoremove-same-dest command is executed.

attempted to use --force-depends with the same error.

Vyvvyan can you confirm the output of "gpkg remove --autoremove-same-dest plugin-gargoyle-webshell" is "segmentation fault"?

i have discovered how to manually remove plugins but its a bit of a crap workaround.

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|                                                                |
| Gargoyle version 1.7.X    | OpenWrt Barrier Breaker branch     |
| Gargoyle revision 26b0b34 | OpenWrt revision r44874            |
| Built March 26, 2015      | Target  ar71xx/usb                 |
root@Router:~# gpkg remove --autoremove-same-dest plugin-gargoyle-webshell
Segmentation fault
@Lantis: Yes, segfault.

Re: gargoyle-ispy 2015-March-27 05:44.torrent

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 8:52 pm
by doug_porsche
RomanHK wrote:
lepgargoyle wrote: Hi,
Reboot loop - The problem still persists, the problem is Bandwidth Monitor. Deleting /usr/data/bwmon/* and restart, clears the problem. Data from /usr/data/bwmon/ are possibly damaged :cry: . Could you look at it?

Great news.
Still trying to learn.
How did you figure this out?

Re: gargoyle-ispy 2015-March-27 05:44.torrent

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 1:55 pm
by RomanHK
doug_porsche wrote:
RomanHK wrote:
lepgargoyle wrote: Hi,
Reboot loop - The problem still persists, the problem is Bandwidth Monitor. Deleting /usr/data/bwmon/* and restart, clears the problem. Data from /usr/data/bwmon/ are possibly damaged :cry: . Could you look at it?

Great news.
Still trying to learn.
How did you figure this out?
The logs do not, I had only 5 seconds until the next reboot (deleted). I came upon it by chance, it was interesting that the restart is repeated even when not connected WAN or LAN or WiFi. After disconnecting the supply remembers only what is ordered by a timer - cron (timezone, bwmon, webmon) as I figured it out.


Re: gargoyle-ispy 2015-March-27 05:44.torrent

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 10:33 am
by doug_porsche
Info for all us beginners, and sort of checking if this ok.

As I am using the router with 1.7.1 in a production environment, (That is, me using this as my primary router for work), it is not good to have the system go into an endless loop.

Here is how I have implemented a TEMPORARY workaround.

I have updated the /etc/rc.local file to include the line

rm /usr/data/bwmon/*

This will clear the (suspected) corrupted bwmon items at reboot time. This should work for me because I am not reliant on the bandwidth monitor info.

Re: gargoyle-ispy 2015-March-27 05:44.torrent

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 2:52 pm
by RomanHK
doug_porsche wrote:Info for all us beginners, and sort of checking if this ok.

As I am using the router with 1.7.1 in a production environment, (That is, me using this as my primary router for work), it is not good to have the system go into an endless loop.

Here is how I have implemented a TEMPORARY workaround.

I have updated the /etc/rc.local file to include the line

rm /usr/data/bwmon/*

This will clear the (suspected) corrupted bwmon items at reboot time. This should work for me because I am not reliant on the bandwidth monitor info.
Hi all,
The problem seems solved from Gargoyle PL ;)
Create a script that start with the attribute as follows (/etc/init.d/time_backup):

Code: Select all

#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common


	#set backup date if it exists
	#this makes sure we're in the same ballpark
	#as the correct time (e.g. probably right year,maybe right day/hour)
	if [ -e "/usr/data/time_backup" ] ; then
		date -u -s $(cat /usr/data/time_backup) >/dev/null 2>&1

	#set cron to periodically backup date
	touch /etc/crontabs/root
	if ! grep -q "time_backup" /etc/crontabs/root; then
		echo '0 0,4,8,12,16,20 * * * date -u  +"%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M:%S" >/usr/data/time_backup' >> /etc/crontabs/root
		/etc/init.d/cron enable

	STAT=$(uci -q get system.@system[0].stat)
	if [ "x$STAT" = "x1" ]; then
		if ! grep -q "" /etc/crontabs/root; then
			M=$(tr -cd 0-9 </dev/urandom | head -c 3 | awk '{print $1 % 60}')
			H=$(tr -cd 0-9 </dev/urandom | head -c 3 | awk '{print $1 % 24}')
			echo "$M $H * * * /sbin/" >> /etc/crontabs/root
		if grep -q "" /etc/crontabs/root; then
			grep -v "/sbin/" /etc/crontabs/root > /tmp/new_cron
			mv /tmp/new_cron /etc/crontabs/root

	/etc/init.d/cron restart
You still need to create a symlink for auto start after reboot (/etc/rc.d/S25time_backup).
That should solve reboot loop, please test.

Please ispy that incorporated a script to firmware. Thank you.


Re: gargoyle-ispy 2015-March-27 05:44.torrent

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 7:21 pm
by Lantis
^ that script was removed in patch 1a3357f.
Apparently barrier breaker should be handling what it did on its own.

Will be interesting if it fixes for you.

Re: gargoyle-ispy 2015-March-27 05:44.torrent

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 8:06 am
by calculoso
Confirmed bootloop issue on this build.

I saved a revised firewall restriction, after it running for days, and it started the reboot loop. Disconnecting the Ethernet/internet cable stopped the rebooting and allowed me to log in. Clearing the bandwidth usage seems to have fixed it, as all appears to be working fine now.

Thanks to all the previous messages for the steps to resolve this

Re: gargoyle-ispy 2015-March-27 05:44.torrent

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 11:30 am
by RomanHK
In that case, I have tried to adjust the script (/etc/init.d/sysfixtime) as follows (8th line):

Code: Select all

#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
# Copyright (C) 2013-2014


boot() {
	local curtime="$(date +%s)"
	local maxtime="$(find /usr/data -type f -exec date -r {} +%s \; | sort -nr | head -n1)"
	[ $curtime -lt $maxtime ] && date -s @$maxtime

Re: gargoyle-ispy 2015-March-27 05:44.torrent

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 12:20 pm
by CarpeNoctem
Just upgraded using web interface, settings perfectly preserved, no issues so far.

UI kinda feels more responsive, menus load a lot faster so that's an awesome plus.

Will continue testing and reporting.

Thanks for the build, Ispy.

Re: gargoyle-ispy 2015-March-27 05:44.torrent

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 1:20 pm
by RomanHK
Hi all,
Reboot loop news:
I tested it and it has something to do with the date and time. Data /usr/data/bwmon/* not damaged. My temporary modification (sysfixtime) works. You may need to fine-tune the script.
