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Bandwidth usage not matching ISP Records

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 2:33 am
by leoniestar
Hi all,
I have just started trying to work out which devices use the most data in our house and have come up with a problem whereby the data usage recorded by my ISP does not match that recorded by my gargoyle router (see attachment). Does anyone know why this could be?
Also, I am currently copying data usage for each device from the gargoyle router bandwidth table to excel for comparison? Is there a better way?
Thanks a lot!

Re: Bandwidth usage not matching ISP Records

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 3:46 am
by ispyisail
I have just started trying to work out which devices use the most data in our house and have come up with a problem whereby the data usage recorded by my ISP does not match that recorded by my gargoyle router (see attachment). Does anyone know why this could be?
This is known but it should be close.

Gargoyle only measures traffic LAN to WAN

Because Gargoyle is a firewall not all traffic gets through

Re: Bandwidth usage not matching ISP Records

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 11:41 pm
by leoniestar
Great, thanks for your help. I've also noticed that there are a whole list of IP Addresses, and some devices missing from the hostname list. Any idea how I can work out what the IP Addresses represent?