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Anyway to increase amount of logged bandwidth history?

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 4:31 am
by Polki
Hi there, In my flatting situation it is very handy to have access to the bandwidth data stored in the router for each IP/Quota group I have configured.

I noticed gargoyle only stores detailed information of "bandwidth used hourly" for the past 24 hours. I was wondering if there was a way to get gargoyle to keep more information dating further back? I do realize I can look at daily data but I need the detail of hourly data, preferably dating back a month or two.
Alternatively is the a way I could export the bandwidth data automatically every 24 hours and have it formatted in a meaningful way. The main information I need is IP/Hostname and Hourly Bandwidth Used.

Thank you

EDIT: Maybe there's a way I can write a script or something to login via ssh and export the data once every 24hours?

EDIT2: Is it possible to login via ssh and download the data that way? If so would my above suggestion be possible?