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How can I switch off HDD head parking?

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2019 2:17 pm
by ViBE
I have a Western Digital Purple HDD now. As far as I know these kind of HDDs should spin 24/7 by default. And if I'm right Gargoyle has a different rule what spins down the disk after a short time. How can I permanently switch of/control this function?

Re: How can I switch off HDD head parking?

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2019 4:09 pm
by RomanHK
I also dealt with it for a while, but hopelessly. It's not a Gargoyle thing, but Linux as such (OpenWrt). It works perfectly in Windows, but once I connect it to the router, it behaves incorrectly.

You can try hd-idle or hdparm opkg packages. Parameter settings will help google. ... BHarddisks